Who is behind the Well Being Mill: My name is Margus, I am an open-minded spirit that is guided by the light, I see the invisible and I believe the unbelievable.

My awakening journey started with working with crystals, then I was guided to learn how to use my powerful mind. I learned to look past the day-to-day appearances and focused on the goal I had and my belief got stronger and stronger. Manifesting and gratitude is a big part of my journey.

My next step was working with energy and medium ship. Let me tell you, just being around the open-minded people is already so up lifting. I was blown away when I saw that with the intent I can push my energy out and make divining rods to move or I can shut it down, that was my turning point. I started to trust my inner voice that was guiding me all along, I just didn't know how to quiet the mind and listen.

Next was dowsing, measuring energy on objects and energies.

Then I was guided to learn shamanism, the circles, journeying and drumming/rattling it was amazing. I felt that I was coming in to my power, expanding my mind and taking in new concepts.

Then I put everything I have learned together and I realised that with focused intent I can cleanse/clear the energies, charge things with positive energy and neutralise the unwanted.

Now I’m guided to shine the light and help to rise the collective energy, helping to serve others for higher good.